Fascial therapy

Osteopathical method

Fascial osteopathy intends to understand disturbances and dysfunctions of the fasciae and to treat them directly. Fasciae are classed as connective tissue. They form part of the covering and subdivision layers of the locomotor system (muscles and bones), organs and claddings of the nervous system.

Due to the interconnectedness of the fasciae, even little disturbances in partial areas cause a change in the whole fascial chain and its corresponding movement structure. Via fasciae, organs are carried, nourished, innervated and delimited from other organs, kept mobile, shielded from infections and connected to each other. The fascial network forms the basis of good health and a flawlessly functioning body.

It is this special structure that lends the organs shape and support and fixates them in the body cavities, still allowing them a simultaneously needed degree of mobility. In turn, the body cavities are formed by structures of the locomotor system. As a result, there are physiologically functional connections between the organs and the locomotor system, all formed by the fasciae.

Typaldos method (manipulative method)

Fascial manipulation of the connective tissue or the fasciae is an effective approach to the treatment of ache and dysfunctions of the skeletal and locomotor system. The manipulative method was invented for the treatment of disorders concerning the myofascial-skeletal system and internal organs and has been constantly refined ever since.

The method is based on the three-dimensional (3D) continuum formed by the human myofascial-skeletal system. The treatment focuses specific fascial points (co-ordination centres) which have become solidified for various reasons. The resulting tensions are loosened by manipulation of the fasciae, so that the tissue can be moved normally again. This kind of treatment is performed over several sessions – at a distance of a few days, though, to allow the tissue to adjust itself.

The way the tissue reacts to the massage may differ from patient to patient. Therefore, the treatment will be adapted to the individual reactions. 

Therapies/ range of appilcation areas

  • Migraine
  • Arthrosis
  • Bruises
  • Neuralgias
  • Headache
  • Muscle strains
  • Neck pain
  • Backache
  • Tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Overload injuries
  • Sprains (e.g. ankle joint)
  • Posttraumatic complications after accidents
  • Prevention of contusions  in pro athletes
  • Arthritis (e.g. shoulder, knee, elbow)
  • Tendonitis (e.g. Achilles tendon, rotator cuff, finger tendons)

Suggestions for therapeutic measures

  • Gyrotonic®
  • Massages
  • Ice/fango
  • Osteopathy
  • Dorn Therapy
  • Medical taping
  • Fascial therapy
  • Manual Therapy
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Shock wave therapy
  • Medical exercise therapy