Ergonomics at the workplace

Healthy working

Our lecture ‚Ergonomics at the workplace’ addresses companies which want to prevent their staff from false postures and resulting sickness absence.

We offer exercise programmes which aim at the work-related increase of physical capability or others dedicated to the return to work after a disease.

Sitting for a long time, monotonous movement sequences or heavy bodily strain can cause complaints in the back, neck, shoulders, head, arms and legs. Pain in the areas mentioned are common to people working in front of the computer dailily or to those who have to pass their time in forced posture. As a result, postural defects due to stress and strain cause the widespread disease of backache.

‚Ergonomics at the workplace’ aims at adjusting the work done at the workplace to the staff members’ skills and properties. This is achieved by optimizing the workstation and work equipment individually. What results are better working conditions with increased comfort and freedom from health risks.


In order to improve ergonomic conditions at the workplace it is necessary that influencing factors concerning human intraction, the work environment itself and work equipment (such as engines, desks and computers) are analysed at first.


Die Beachtung ergonomischer Gesichtspunkte am Arbeitsplatz ist von großer Bedeutung für die physische und psychische Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter eines Unternehmens. Unzureichende Arbeitsplatzbedingungen wie z.B. unzureichende raumklimatische Bedingungen, Lärm- und Schadstoffbelastungen, schlechte Lichtverhältnisse oder das Fehlen geeigneter bzw. notwendiger Arbeits- und Betriebsmittel können nicht nur zu physisch-bedingten, sondern gleichermaßen zu psychisch-bedingten Problemen bzw. Fehlzeiten am Arbeitsplatz führen.

Physical strain makes an impact on the following organ systems

  • Cardiovascular system, lung function, respiration
  • Muscular system, tendons, ligaments
  • Skeletal system, spine
  • Sensory organs, nerves, glands
  • Cognitive (mental-informational) strain
  • Emotional, motivational and social strain


Ergonomic aspects are watched rudimentarily in many companies. It makes sense, however, to deal with the topic more intensively as there can be many unnoticed factors in the workplace that make the work more difficult.

Once ergonomics are fixed in entrepreneurial thinking and action, a decrease in sickness absence rates and an increase in office climate and employee satisfaction can be observed. What results is a positive effect not only on the employees’ performance, but also on the company’s total productivity.

Ergonomically oriented workplace layout

  • Lower degree of disturbance at work
  • Prevention of chronic health problems
  • Increased work climate
  • Job satisfaction
  • Prevention of monotonous posture
  • Activation of the cardiovascular and the autonomic nervous system
  • Prevention of muscle inactivity
  • Increased mental performance
In order to elaborate on the individual needs your company has, we cordially invite you for a personal call.